A perfectly normal platformer with no twists

if you have any ideas for twist levels tell me

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You Can jump out of bounds.
The Last flag is glitched. But I still like it.

I think it happens because there is no more levels

yes, it just keeps looping around and around since there’s no proper ending and all the levels are done, and the players aren’t reset when a frame is revisited.

you unlock controls.

your mouse can move objects.

I added a few things including:
2 new levels
a proper ending


if you have anymore ideas for levels let me know

what about portals?

A perfectly normal level idea with 0 twists

Might be hard to code, but what about gravity switching? Like from down to up, etc…


yea that would be cool!

that would be hard

what about some trap spots maybe ones that mislead the player?

changed some things

is it just me or every time try to get to the flag it starts lagging is that another twist?

no that may just be the game

oh ok thank you it was just confusing to me

the collision on the last level is a bit weird but I don’t know how to fix it


a bug I just found is on the last level if you press right the bottom one moves but not the top one. may fix it

what if you tried doing some nine circles stuff like some things rotating and moving. or maybe some things shrinking and rising?

what do you mean?