Collaboration time!

sorry i meant the dummy

Added a bullet coming out: StickMan Randomness Preview11-16-2020_19-22-01.wick (103.5 KB)

Again, can some add a clip when you click R

ok ill ad that

StickMan Randomness Preview11-16-2020_4-20-28PM.wick

Added a reload animation

Make the dummy Hostile to the stick man StickMan Randomness Preview11-16-2020_19-44-08.wick (110.3 KB)

Gun now shoots real shots (clones) & you have to finish reloading before doing anything

Do you guys want me to code walls? Or maybe a jump or some platforms?

I just found a bug, I’ll fix it right now

Made it faster: StickMan Randomness Preview11-16-2020_20-02-10.wick (129.4 KB)

I fixed a few bugs & lowered the fps (130.3 KB)

sorry but i have to go i tried doing a death animation when the shot hit the dummy but it didn’t work can someone do it

I can add in something to play the dummies timeline when it gets shot (give me 3 seconds)

Edit: here: (130.5 KB)

so is the game done?

We can definitely add more
(take a look at the list)

I couldn’t get the file because i accidentally made adobe acrobat my wick editor file manager

No we need to work a little harder bruh

Again, I couldn’t get the file because i accidentally made adobe acrobat my wick editor file manager

Uninstall Adobe its gonna die

How do i uninstall adobe?

control panel and search up adobe and delete it

I searched up Adobe and it didn’t show anything