For that character I’m planning to use a vent mechanic. so could you draw him crawling.
Just a still image please
This is still a work in progress so i haven’t coded a lot of the mechanics yet, but here’s something i guess
One Night at Cardboard Dude’s8-1-2024_7-19-22.wick (3.0 MB)
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this is heat bro
I’m gonna be taking a break from the project because there is not enough activity on this post.
oh alr hopefully youll come back
kinda late but heres a oc i just thought of
yo can I recommend a character?
I can code it with the normal code!
Looks like you used Paint 3D, it is not installable anymore
hey guys im back
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i was just waiting for some acticity
so we could start this up
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I can help with some code!