Generic fighterz

so how do you code it?

The first question to ask is “hey, what do I know about JS?” Then you gotta cobble stuff together until you find something usable. It can be bad, but it’s gotta do its job.

That being said I barely do any coding when it comes to Wick Editor, but for what you intend to focus on first I’d be able to do it

I’d also strongly suggest sketching out your ideas and the UI first before programming, it helps you focus on what’s important and how to do it. UI should come last, but it doesn’t really matter and you really want to do that first, so we’ll do it.

im not too experienced with the wick editor language so i would recommend finding tutorials, theres even some from the creators!

erm ackshually it’s javascript

Jokes aside, definitely get to learning JavaScript!

im sorry i forgot :disappointed:

I do NOT forgive you :angry: /j

NOOOO :sob: :sob: PLSSS

You’re done buddy

Get in :coffin:

it was nice knowing you guys… :sob:

Hey, have you started figuring out what to do?

I must warn you that I get impatient sometimes

in order to do that, you have to be a trusted user.
it’ll take some time, if you see a notification from discobot. that means you’re trusted.

i can finally respond now