Help making fnf game, full game

this may be my biggest project to start with, but i want to create the entire fnf game. i know nothing about code. help???

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if you know nothing about code, i highly suggest actually learning code first. otherwise, asking for help in this situation is more like “can you make the game for me” than “can i get help with some code”.

to start learning JS, you can start with khan academy’s intro to JS. i started with that. and when you want to try something new (for example, I wanted to figure out how to randomize an array), you can always find them online. i found my solution on stack overflow.

i’d also suggest you start with a much easier game than FNF if you know little-to-no code. something like a flappy bird clone.


Well, do what awc said for more advanced stuff, but i created a short demo on hit triggers, which are essential for arrow collision detection
Download Demo!

thats not what i meant. i just asked for help, like examples of the game. i now know some code, i take coding classes now, so i just need ideas, or examples at least. (edit: i like to get things done fast.)

Well above in post 3 on this thread, I posted an example you can deconstruct for hit triggers which are essential for arrow detection, you can tinker with my code and sprites and the keydown and update script to make fnf!

thanks. i will post it as soon as im finished with part 1.

Good luck! I can’t wait to see the finished product.

(Programming tip: use and mess around with it to help learn code.)

hi nugget of wisdom, i understand you have been waiting for 2 days for this to be finished, but the problem is that my chromebook had auto deleted EVERYTHING. i am quite annoyed by that because i worked pretty hard on it. i will try again, but it wont be as good.

THAT SUCKS!!! I’ve learned to always save my work every ten minutes or so.

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Want me to help you with the game?

This is because you probably saved your Wick files on your chromebook as a download
(Chromebooks automatically save everything as downloads)

My first post on Wick (that post is almost a year old) was about this, it really sucks when all your work gets deleted…

Yes, try saving your work on google drive to avoid this issue

Also, since chrome automatically saves files with downloads, you should go to your chromebook settings and change the downloads location to your drive.