Hey spectral lets do another


im not a madness combat person, but i would like to try to do a collab fight

oh cool so you want to do the idea or a madness duel?

ye a madness duel but my character wont be a madness character

that should work but one sec while i set it up

k (the fact that we see each others answers so quickly)

im working on a fighting game rn

lol i got no one to talk to XD

same, im in class rn XD

this is what im workin on
funny fighters (beta)11-16-2022_13-08-24.html (3.7 MB)

ok i got it ready.
first you animate your 50 frames then the fight starts.
you then animate your next 25 frames then pass it to me.
MadnessDuelsSS11-16-2022_12-29-20.wick (162.1 KB)

ok bet >:)

30 FPS?!?!? huh, im used to 15, i’ll see what i can do

yeh its kinda in the rules lol sorry

its fine, i think i can do it

im about to finish and switch classes

MadnessDuelsSS11-16-2022_13-42-54.wick (192.6 KB)

goin to lunch brb

at science

how’s the anim coming