How to make drag and drop file system in wick

Is there a way to make something like dragging and dropping a file into your html project

(I’m not talking about dragging and dropping it in the wick editor, I’m saying how could you make a system like that)

i think @Hamzah_Al_Ani has made importing files into projects possible, and i think he also got things to export. whether he made drag and drop, i don’t know. but he would probably be the one to ask.

I tried making a drag and drop system before, but I didn’t get anywhere with that.

Though if you’ll need help with the “exporting and importing files” part, you can check out this thread (I can also share simple examples if needed). Other than that, I can’t help much.

It’s still possible to make a drag and drop system, but it might require Google’s (or another browser’s) assistance