Is there an Point&click engine?

Hello, I want to make a point-and-click game and wondered if there is an engine with an Inventory system.

If you’re looking for an inventory system to use in your project, then I’d recommend checking out this awesome inventory system created by @bluecake

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Hello @Hamzah_Al_Ani . i have problems with type 3 working it aperas to have errors. maybe i could re post this as an collab and you help me implementing this into my game. or help me creating an Point and click Engine for wick. maybe we can fourtheer discuss this on Discord. i would be very Happy if you help me :slight_smile:

(Sorry for the late reply)

I’d be honored to help you with your project!
If you think we’ll need more hands on deck, feel free to create a new post in the collab category.
If not, we could take this to discord (I could be more active there since I have notifications on).

(Won’t share Discord username or links on the forums since it’s against the rules, but you already know my username so it should be no problem)

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