Let’s Funk - Collab

also watrmelin can you send me one beep in 4 pitches high, lower, lower, and very low

Here’s the reference! I know its drawn in scratch but I’ll animate everything in wick

thats nice

just draw the up down left and right on wick and sent me the file

this’ll be the player

and he needs a mic

hey watrmelin scroll up i sent you a message

Like a beep beep or voice

a beep like on a music thing hold on

can I be a coder I know how to code.

sure you can

My Project2-17-2021_15-30-26.wick (572.1 KB)
patched some of my content in and made it so if you press P for Punch he’ll say “stop slapping me!”

ok i’ll make a character code

heres the beepsArchive.zip

do you like the arrows?

add them in here please and can someone fix the sound heres the game file My Project2-17-2021_12-34-01.wick I cant ficure out how to put in the sound when you hit an arrow

what were you going tho say?

is there a system that detects when an arrow is not on the pad? My Project2-17-2021_15-46-31.wick (868.6 KB)
if there is, if you press a key when you shouldn’t it should play the sound “Bad”
warning: tons o bugs in gameplay

The cheif 2-17-2021_15-47-24.wick (74.0 KB) here’s the cheifs movements

Can my OC be an enemy?