Lets Make a Cool Object Show! About 10 Ep

My Project2-2-2025_12-57-05.wick (5.4 KB)
R.I.P seventy’s camera mod 🫡

i need a better picture this is kinda blurry ngl


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Chat These are perfect, Ohhh mah gawd
ill retake th’ picture so you can see better and I will also give you the info on all the characters on screen


GBA SP: Grey, Dark Grey, RED, Black
Keyframe: White and green
Tween: Dark Grey and grey
LIV CAMERA: Brown, Grey, White
Slide Puzzle: White and Black
SPRING: Perfect the way it is
LED Glasses: Green And Black/Dark Grey
Picture Frame: Brown

GBA SP: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F164688730652&psig=AOvVaw3FGBV5RBvtleVgBkMr1Kdx&ust=1737066300742000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCIji2bHi-IoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
LED GLASSES: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Funtsmart.com%2Fproducts%2Fbluetooth-led-glasses&psig=AOvVaw00B3gKixznmv_Q3aT3XbpP&ust=1737066421312000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCNC8_ezi-IoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE

These will be for the rest! you got liv and window frame perfectly! Ill make an image of each character and their reference! Love yer style btw!

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okay uh do we even have the third animatic finished? gfirey isn’t able to make it so who is

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please make it so you can visualize the frames in the frame picker for clips on single frame animation like as in adobe animate

That looks really complicated to make… but I’ll look into it a bit more when I have time

Edit: I found an easy way to get what the frame of a clip looks like, now we need to figure out the UI thingy

How should the frame picker work? There could be a button that you push to show all the frames visually and then pick one, kinda like the “Use Frame Picker” button in Adobe Animate
And the images could be shown as a list

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yeah I finished it it should be on da drive

the drive???

the drive at the top?

i dont really see a third one

oops! must’ve forgot!

gimme a moment

hey I can finalize animatic1 if you want

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Animatic 3 2-4-2025_17-44-15.wick (170.4 KB) Got sidetracked doing homework, Here is the animatic! btw the frame number is 276.3

What happens next is they peek behind the bushes to reveal a “Paridise” but its just a hotel, pool, and people playing outside, one of which is candle holder

we are gonna do that after we get all the animatics

is it gfirey or keychain talking right here