Lets Make a Cool Object Show! About 10 Ep

Lime SonicBoob363, Lulsz, Chocolate cream12, them

those people you know?

no :/ I only have like one famous friend

hey! sorry, I went ofline for a bit, I’m back tho

its alright! Are you finished with scene1anamatic1?

YEp! I Will post the file now!

is the file broken

Oh god, its been an hour already?

No, I’m importing it now

okz! smilez

HERE! (Omgthistooktoomanyreviions)
Animatic1Scene110-18-2024_21-43-56.wick (295.5 KB)

Don’t mind why its two minutes

I forgot to cut the frames short

this is goodies! now we just need assets

ikr, Good news is I’m already working on some

Green fiery already did his

can I have his asset? also when you make grenade’s asset ::DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:D:D:DDDDDDDDDDD

he is a keychain… uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh