Let's make Minecraft in WE!

i can help

if you need it

ask @myuzernamesthis6 also is this game going to be owned by uzer studios?

yay lets do this

GUYS!!! I found a much easier way to make boundaries
for the character.

How tho?

here it is among us game2-9-2021_17-13-21.wick (391.0 KB)

i’m the owner of user studios so it will be owned by user studios

what do you mean by that?

cool walk cycle

that doesn’t answer my question



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why would you say it if you don’t know what it means?

anyway the among us player is good

are you gonna share it on itch.io?

:grin: :smiley:

will you be making credits that people have to look at before the game?

yep :crazy_face:

Ew u used emojis

:sob: :sob: :sob: waaa