Loading is slow

I tried loading the v8.6 version and I have to wait so long. pls help!

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is this version the most recent one? on the alpha, the version is 1.0.13.

I also tried to load that version, and it’s also too long

i don’t know, it’s fine on my end. the only other things i can think of is that maybe you have an old browser version, slow wifi, old computer, or something else that doesn’t involve the editor itself. hope you find your problem soon :slight_smile:

I use the internet explorer on windows 10

do you think that your computer may be laggy? i’ve used a windows before and it has always been slow. i use a macbook air and it runs smoothly for the most part. (i find chromebooks even worse)

no it has never lagged this long. it usually gets the job done in 5 seconds max

if it only takes 5 seconds, then i think that’s pretty normal.

however, when loading the 1.0 editor, it takes 1 hour

itried it on google chrome and it works. thx :blush: