Minecraft Animation Collab!

This is getting a bit off topic though…

yeah, idk how to splell

yeah lets just… pretend this never happened

Ok. Anyway, do you want to continue the collab?

Maybe, idk like, no one seems to be online, not much posts at all. It just seems abandoned…

New update! added a note on the last frame!
Minecraft Collab9-28-2021_18-08-19.wick (672.7 KB)

I think you guys should improve the animation there’s only leg movement and everything happens too fast.

Right. I can try and fix that.

Or someone will, I don’t know.

IDK. I worked on this with less experience.

I added the house scene and a running scene.

Minecraft Collab9-28-2021_11-39-33.wick (700.3 KB)

Added a new note on what’s gonna happen.
Minecraft Collab9-29-2021_18-47-48.wick (700.5 KB)

Yeah, this collab is dead…

I am working on it, but it will take time.

OK, I can wait.

Is it ready yet, cause time is ticking

Minecraft Collab10-2-2021_15-04-12.wick (455.5 KB)

It is not polished, but it’s done

Sorry, I have different things to work on now and I can’t put time into this collab. Thank you for this experience.

SERVER> WickNewbie46290 has left the collab.

im done, the collab has ended. im sorry yall, but theres been no updates since then. thank you.

SERVER> SamTSM_YT has left the collab.