Minecraft Animation Collab!

New update! added a note on the last frame!
Minecraft Collab9-28-2021_18-08-19.wick (672.7 KB)

I think you guys should improve the animation thereā€™s only leg movement and everything happens too fast.

Right. I can try and fix that.

Or someone will, I donā€™t know.

IDK. I worked on this with less experience.

I added the house scene and a running scene.

Minecraft Collab9-28-2021_11-39-33.wick (700.3 KB)

Added a new note on whatā€™s gonna happen.
Minecraft Collab9-29-2021_18-47-48.wick (700.5 KB)

Yeah, this collab is deadā€¦

I am working on it, but it will take time.

OK, I can wait.

Is it ready yet, cause time is ticking

Minecraft Collab10-2-2021_15-04-12.wick (455.5 KB)

It is not polished, but itā€™s done

Sorry, I have different things to work on now and I canā€™t put time into this collab. Thank you for this experience.

SERVER> WickNewbie46290 has left the collab.

im done, the collab has ended. im sorry yall, but theres been no updates since then. thank you.

SERVER> SamTSM_YT has left the collab.