My clicker game (Atom Clicker)

I made the 20 gem price lower to make it more realistic atom clicker12-6-2021_9-03-40.html

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I made minigames and more monsters atom clicker12-6-2021_13-41-40.html

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does anyone have ideas for shop and gemshop items?

I made it so that it switches between the minigames atom clicker2-7-2022_12-53-10.html. btw I need some more ideas.

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hi i wanted to say can i help with this like the art talk to me when done.

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yeah sure send me the art and i’ll put it in the game

Hey, I am the creator of the Hidden in Code podcast and your game is going to be featured in my first episode!!! CONGRAGULATIONS!!! :partying_face: :confetti_ball:

nice that sounds good.