Need help... (Christmas Chaos)

Name : The christmas death

Name: Christmas chaos

If you do use this pls credit me

Those are both really good ideas, thank you both so much…They were both really good so I flipped a coin on it and I got Christmas Chaos… Thank you both again for the ideas…

I just want my name to be put in the credits

you will but first i’m going to write how i want it to be than imma make it a series…

Hey, does anybody have any ideas for names in the book/animation???

thinking will give you some soon

no problem its luck

Names will usually reveal a lot about your characters, so to pick the best name, your going to need to put into consideration your characters’ backgrounds. For example, an American and an Arab kid are less likely to have the same names. It’s bc they come from different worlds.

Since this is connected to christmas, I’m guessing some common names like Peter, John, James, Rose, Jordan, Williams, Jessica, Jeff/ Jeffery, Karen, Smith, Greg, Sam, Simon, Lauren, Lily, or less common names, Florence, Williston, Rodessa, Adolf, Day, Dewey, etc. might work.

I recommend checking out a name generator too, there are plenty online and they’re better than me at suggesting names. Here’s a nice one I found:

If you plan on turning this into an animation, I recommend writing it like a script, and creating a storyboard that goes with it before animating.

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Ok thank you @Hamzah_Al_Ani

Hey can I help

I can help if I knew more and knew the time it takes place.

@gamer_boi what do you mean by when it takes place, like the plot of the story or in real life?

I mean the setting, what is the time period

It’s like umm like 2009 It’s was supposed to be in new Orland’s but I had second thoughts that’s why I came here

I had some ideas but don’t know what to do with them anymore…

And yes @unfinished_sentenc anybody can help on this…

Ok thank you I might have some ideas later

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@unfinished_sentenc the forums is not for stuff like this…

It’s for collaborating plz keep it like that instead just go to in order to contact me also I would delete that post before you get flagged

also @everyone here is the new link to ideas if you got any no idea is a bad idea… Ideas for Christmas Chaos.docx