Need help with a game

Can I do the health with text, so like

Health: 100

so it works like a score but opposite
every time the player gets hit it loses 25 health or something?

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Of course, It is your app, you do with it as you please. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ill name the text “healthCounter”

and for the code do I put

healthCounter.setText("Health: " +

would that be right?

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That should work as long as you are storing the airplane energy at

Alright thank you.

Sorry one more question for the pig would I put

if (typeof player !== ‘undefined’){
if (this.hitTest(player)) -= 25;

healthCounter.setText("Health: " +

Do you plan to remove the player at some point? I’m not sure why you are evaluating player against undefined…

yeah I want the player to be removed when the health reaches zero

I would add an empty frame inside player instead… like frame 2 will be empty… so if you want to add restart functionality to the game you will still have the player clip around… and then… instead of comparing against undefined… you will be comparing player.currentFrameNumber == 1

Oh ok, I will do that, thank you

Would you know how the energy bar can be connected to the plane but separated. so not both of them are in the same clip but separate clips.

and then when the pig collides the plane loses health.

-Thank you

Yes, Just as you are describing it…
You can call from almost anywhere within the project.

so the energy bar code
this one = 100;
this.max = 100;

this.takeDamage = function(damage)
{ -= damage;

if( <= 0){ = 0;

this.energyBar.scaleX =;;


I put under default of the player (plane), is that correct?

Part C3-19-2021_10-56-34.wick (79.8 KB)

here is the file, I can finally post it.

Sorry if I randomly jumped in this thread
I checked the file and found where the problem was.

you reffered to the health bar as “this.energyBar” when you should’ve referred to it as just “energyBar”

And in the plane’s update script, you removed the plane once it hit the flying pigs, when you probably should’ve tried using the “this.takeDamage()” function instead.

I set the damage to 10 (you can change that from the plane’s update script)

Here’s a file with these fixes
Part C3-19-2021_11-32-56.wick (79.9 KB)

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Thank you, I appreciate it.
I will keep the fixes this helped me out so much, thank you.

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More than welcome, I love when people reply adding value, but not when people reply to just say “I dont know”


Thank you too Jovanny and everybody here, I appreciate it.

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hello, I know I’ve been asking a lot from you guys, do you think you can help me with this.

  • when the energy bar reaches zero you die
  • when the plane dies you go to the next frame

I also managed to get the regeneration from the jerry cans to work but it just needs to be set on a limit so it doesn’t go over 100.

Part C3-24-2021_17-44-41.wick (152.4 KB)

Thank you.

I added 2 lines ot the update script of the plane to make it go to the next frame when the energy bar reaches zero


Here’s the project:
Part C3-24-2021_18-33-11.wick (152.5 KB)

Let me know if this is what you needed?

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Yup, Thank you so much.
And also the jerry cans so the regeneration doesn’t pass 100. If I keep collecting jerry cans it will add up and keep adding up, I just want it too add up to 100 then stop.

Just one more question how do I make the score appear on the 3rd frame?