Normally Grey Background appearing all Black IN the Editor

Anyone else experiencing this bug?

No I am not using the VCam or ANYTHING this is just the vanilla Editor the minute I open it. If anyone HAS had this bug do you know how to fix it? Or am I stuck using my Editor like this for good?

I’ve experienced this bug before, usually i would just refresh the editor.

Doesn’t change anything :/

usually when i had that bug i just exit the browser im in and then open it back up again

This boils down to Wick Editor being unmaintained for so long, but this isn’t happening on my machine. Try using regular Google Chrome or Chromium and see if it happens there?

I just wish they’d update it after so long, either they retired from the website or not :angry:

I’ve only ever used Chrome to use Wick so my only guess is what you said before, but what confuses me is that whenever I stream the tab only to friends on discord the problem fixes itself.

And right when I stop it happens again immediately. :/

:/ thats not good, i would just use the legacy editor instead

It might seem crazy what I’m bout to say… (yeah same problem there too)

that meme lol (10 words)

Actually. Nevermind seems the legacy Editor does work? Probably gonna have to adjust if I decide to make the switch but Thank You for this suggestion!

Your welcome, glad i could help :)

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…streaming fixes it?
Well, maybe it could have to do with the fact that our computers all have different specifications and operating systems, so stuff like this can’t be boiled down to “Wick outdated”.
Or maybe that’s the case. I dunno.

I’d prefer you actually use the legacy editor, despite having different UI and functions.