Saving a text file from textInput

What Wick Editor Version are you using?

Describe the Problem
I’m trying to make a working note app that downloads a file containing the input of a text box when saving

Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see? Optional*
My Project6-18-2021_10-55-15.wick (6.1 KB)

I would say you use localStorage i think it called to save the text to a variable maybe I don’t really know how to use localStorage so you may need to ask someone smarter like @pumpkinhead

@pumpkinhead helped me with downloading files (I used his code in Pixel Lide) - so here’s this, which might help you as well:

The value of the textbox can be referred to as the text box’s “value” or the “inputElem.value”

If you’ll want a wick file example, just lemme know

I’d like the wick file for a visual demo

My Project6-20-2021_0-13-39.wick (6.5 KB)
I added a “Click here to download text file” button

Click that, then open the file, and it should have the same content that was in the text box

Tysm :smiley: :+1:

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