Small game i made

felt like making a small game today. didn’t take too long. enjoy.

or don’t. your choice. not gonna force you to have a different opinion.

and those misspellings in the game are intentional. felt like doing it for no good reason. tried to make it easily readable but if you don’t understand it, ask me or something.

download game here (html)


small, well made and witty - I like it :-)

Can I try to extend this?

sure i guess, not sure how you would do it though. not much to do in 1 dimension. it’s not like a top-down game, so you can’t go up or down. can’t jump because that goes out the first dimension. you can only really go along a line. but if you can think of something, go for it.

here is the wick file. give appropriate credit please. (this applies to everyone who wants to remix)

platformer game thing4-1-2021_12-32-23.wick (4.6 KB)

done Another Look