Square Adventures Continued Development (File: Post 476)

We need to do that for reading signs, like maybe when you click a sign it fullscreens it

ooooh yes good idea

I did it on world 1 level 1 squareadventures3-18-2021_18-43-28.wick

im pretty sure I got the rest squareadventures3-18-2021_18-54-32.wick


what I mean

what did you say?

Instead of up-close i’m using TTS

squareadventures3-18-2021_22-44-02.wick (1.5 MB)
Boom, Done. @gamer_boi
Don’t delete the quit game button, when exported as html it actually works

Also, Should i make it so if you press R for “Read” it will read any open character dialogue boxes using text-to-speech?

  • Ye
  • Na

0 voters

I rigged the flag in world 2 level 1 @Watrmeln squareadventures3-18-2021_20-16-32.wick

and changed the dialague back (i like it)

I added boarded up houses in the main town squareadventures3-18-2021_20-32-06.wick

I’ll just add the flag on later, i like my dialogue
Also which one, tts or speech?

speech when you reach the fountain

bacicaly the story is that squarie was walking around when everything whent dark and the ground crumbled, her freinds all suddenly whent crazy. later in the game she will figure out that a evil man is doing all this and she must stop him

A bit cliched at this point, we should work on gameplay and levels before we implement cutscenes and story, maybe someone else like @butt could try writing one though the whole insane this is good.

0.2.8 is out https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Ey2_tICd8VAyCSxisMBCBfC2ndUGQDO/view?usp=sharing

No sorry I’m not a part of this

But thank you for asking

Well you don’t have to develop i was just asking if we can use your music, no strings attached
(We haven’t made credits yet but we will soon!)

No you can’t use my music