Square Adventures Continued Development (File: Post 476)

is a old phone my mom and dad give me their old phones when they get new ones

Like a dumbphone?
Or just an old smartphone?

I just took the battery out and put it back in but it stopped the reset so I might try again

Is it an android?

its a lg android phone


Hate to break it to you but If you took out a battery while it was resetting you probably killed your phone

We are ;-;
@gamer_boi If you have a pc just use that

Im not allowed to use it right now though. I will start getting back on track

im using my school chromebook

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what should we do now?

imma make new enemys

any ideas?

Make short distance enemies, or maybe 2 on one level
How about this
Maroon Ball - Long range
Blue Triangle - medium range
Green octagon - short range

;-; prove your not bsa

mabie @Watrmeln will have to answer that

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Save data help We should add save states between levels and fountains
Also longer and harder levels, how about 3 rows

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heres blue triangle with a boomerang My Project3-19-2021_15-30-21.wick (30.3 KB)

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I made it go farther My Project3-19-2021_15-35-44.wick

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try to implement my enemy ideas into a level

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Ok just at me when you want the story

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