The Lazy Object Show: S2 Characters (CLOSED)

No more worries! My figma creation will support 99% of what we need for now.

Screenshot 2025-02-20 2.31.16 PM
I finish it

Ok! I’m glad i don’t have to go through all that pain.

Ooh! Neon Spray Paint from season one? Looks nice!

Accepted! :partying_face:

yes e p i c

Your character was in epsideo 2 did you watch it?

of course I did

yeah i know you did.

idk why i asked brain damage i guess.

Guys, i’m done with the final asset pack, new characters may be added before the final rendition of the package.

ok. Where is the asset pack?

same bro…

Time for the Lazypack!
Version 001: (7.8 KB)

I updated the asset pack with the icons and new assetsMy Project2-20-2025_14-41-55.wick|attachment (96.0 KB)

already? The pack is broken btw

I found it inside your “image”.

Yeha your lazy pack works i just had to extract the zip.

you use a chromebook?

no i use a PC