so it is no surprise that HAVING A BLAST won the vote here and so it will be
list of things that may be added
-piercing bullet (easy)
-explosive bullet (easy)
-homing bullet (very hard)
-a friend called Kanoon that shoots out big slow bullet (medium)
- new enemy huff (an enemy that hides in the back and then shoots forward after 10 seconds (hard)
- new enemy Blinky (every second space bar click will make this enemy invincible but immobile) (medium) (done)
- new enemy Zipzapzop (enemy has a rotating electric shield that blocks bullets)(medium)
-Swong new friend moves around the stage in an arc hitting enemies on the way
-storyline perhaps?
so this update can be done by everyone
all you have to do is make yourself know by replying and then say what you want to do or what you want to add
noen flight 1.2 small final.wick (196.5 KB)
so please join us!