This is really special please

Happy valntines day sorry i did not have time

i had to use @Jovanny tutorial to make the hearth


please anyone here @gamer_boi or @Jovanny or @Crafter_Flance or even @blurredPixels

What if for special occasions they replaced flashy with a special ornament
like flashy turns into a mage or is replaced by a pumpkin for Halloween or wears a santa hat for Christmas? Maybe a party hat on Wick Editor’s Birthday…
…and maybe this heart for valentines day!
Thanks Youyou! This looks super nice.


thanks dude

any more reply plleeeaassee

This looks amazing

Happy valentines day

It looks nice. I’m glad that the tutorials are being used. =) Thank you @Youyou

nice happy valentines day

In every event i will make an event animation

like if its chrismas i will make an chrismas animation

I got mentioned, so that’s why am here!
Great job on the heart :slight_smile:

Valentine’s day is done where im from but happy valentine’s day everyone!