Trying to make a object show

Are you going for good drawings or more like just functional



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Do you want the drawings to be good or are you just doing it for fun and it’s not serious?

thats what i mean

its in the mid

hmm… okay can you draw?



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made this gif

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I’m not a part of this collab, but I think this looks good : D



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See the thing is that there aren’t many people who are actually good at drawing here so I will be hard to get help

welp it just has to look okay or good
also no flipaclip incons in it

Its a much better idea than the forum fighters though

I dont know what happened to it but that was one of the worst ideas I have heard and it just looked bad


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@Jonathan_Obele @BSA_15 @Cleetus_Kernel i need to se your work for what you can’t make here some assets to use

here are the contestants

some are in beta and other are demos

Hold up you use those. I though you drew that gif on your own

yes object show use them so i thought i may as well

I want to quit for a bit