Wick 0.08 Prerelase


We’re trying something different for this update - to make sure I don’t make changes to the editor that break everything on wickeditor.com, I’ve spun up a separate site for everyone to test 0.08 before I push it to the live website.

So here it is: Wick 0.08 Prerelease

What’s new in 0.08:

  • New brush! It’s still a little wonky and needs work, but it will be much easier to change smoothness/detail etc. because it uses paper.js to create the brush strokes. It also supports pen pressure, but you’ll have to enable it with a special flag in the settings.
  • Added a window that displays all keyboard shortcuts. You can get to it from the menu bar: Help -> Hotkeys. Also added new shortcuts from suggestions on the forums.
  • Update asset library styling, it looks a bit nicer now.

Have fun! And be sure to post any bugs you find~


I like the new brush so far!
A bug happens when I use the path cursor though. Sometimes it only wants to pull at the stroke and add new points when it should be selecting it and making the handles visible.
Also, I can’t get pressure sensitivity to work without editing the source code.

The brush is amazingly better but a bit buggy. The shortcuts window is really helpful! :smiley:

@kryptot7 We’ll be adding an interface option to turn pressure sensitivity on and off before the full release.

Found a bug! It’s not important but if you switch your brush size to 1 (or any other, have not tried) and super quickly draw a long stroke, it glitches out and the start of the stroke is fat and the rest is thin. If you don’t let go of the left mouse button when you do the stroke to confirm it, it is the opposite. Thin at the tips and thick at the middle. I found this out while testing the new brush in size 1.


@Zanarama5 Thanks for reporting! Looks like we’ll need to update the endcaps on brush strokes.

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Ooh, can there be an option for sharp endcaps? That would look awesome :smile:

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Oo yeah – Definitely gonna get stroke endcap and join controls in the toolbar for 0.08

Ooh, what if brushes could have sharp endpoints/joins too? Is that feasible? o_O
(That’s actually what I meant in the post above, but the picture was confusing :stuck_out_tongue: )

With the new brush, we have a lot more control over the shape (no more potrace!! yea!!) so anything is possible :smiley:

I’ll be experimenting with the brush more this week ~ stay tuned

I turned on Windows Ink in Wacom settings and pressure sensitivity works now! Woo-hoo!

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Awesome, glad to hear @kryptot7! Would love to see some of the stuff you’re making!