No, it’s really not about what kind of phone you have. It’s about what you learn how how you use it. You won’t even be thinking about a topic so stupid such as the type of cellphone in five years. So, no, I am not ashamed I have an Android, nor should anyone else. Stop treating people as less because of the products they wear, the things they choose to buy / use, because it doesn’t even matter. I don’t want to have to walk to school anymore and somebody comments “oh, you have an Android?” Because yes, I have a freaking Android, because Android and iPhone both have and do almost the EXACT same functions. Yeah there’s little functions like “AirDrop” but this feature is so small and its really one of the only things Android can’t do, and it’s not because the companies that make Androids choose not to put it in, it’s because cross compatibility with iPhone and Android really doesn’t exist. It almost can’t. At the end of the day, they are literally JUST OPERATING SYSTEMS. EVEN if you have neither, and have an operating system like “Blackberry” or a windows phone, it doesn’t FREAKING matter. IT’S. JUST. A. PHONE. You are not superior because you decided to spend, or went to beg your mommy and daddy for, an extra 700 to 800 for the iPhone when you can get an Android with the exact same features.