Brush Tool Smoothing

I noticed that the current brush tool produces a smoother line if I move the mouse very quickly, and when I go slow and methodical I get jagged edges. I expected it to behave the same regardless of how slow I wanted to draw.

(I mean, the jagged edge looks cool but I don’t usually want it)

Surely this could be fixed by enforcing a distance the mouse has to move to add more line, or otherwise changing how Wick tracks the mouse.

Hey @Connorses, we’ve been looking into doing another brush update that should fix this soon. Right now this is just a consequence of how it’s implemented :confused: Sorry about the issues!

Cool! I thought this was discussed a while back but I couldn’t find the thread. One more thought: The jagged edges look kinda cool if you want an intentional worn look, like a Papyrus font… Maybe make a tool for them? haha

We could certainly do multiple types of brush tips!