1 in 100 chance

My Project4-15-2021_7-46-19.html (2.1 MB)

guys sorry the older version was impossible i did something wrong with the code but send me a screenshot if you got it


1 in 100 chances are hard to get

someone send me a screenshot if you got it

its impossible

it is not there’s a frame with the chance I put a code that if you click it will go to a random frame or

sorry it was but remember 1 in 100 chances are pretty rare

nothing i used the code


Was the win screen white? If so,

I got it!

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i think that just means the file didn’t completely load yet…

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its not white sorry😂


That was fun. Basic hacks are a good way to relax.

While the project data is in (zipped/encripted) base 64, Wick’s own functions are not and you posted exactly what you used (random.integer) so all I had to do was change it to return an edge value.

Of course trying up to 100 times would also work but time is precious.

Note to self: Used python -m http.server to host the project locally. Told me it wasn’t “https”.


try clicking on the you are lucky text

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Haha, wasn’t expecting that. :smile:

got rickrolled

Not really, I don’t have auto-play enabled, just saw what video it went to. :stuck_out_tongue:

no0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o why

'cuz now-a-days you never know were links take you. :wink:

Or what sound they have [this is very NSFW btw].

yeah i know

i got it on my 82cnd try

Please dont revive old posts.