3D creations in the Wick Editor?

Hello, I am new to the Wick editor and general animating itself. I came to Wick Editor p looking for a free alternative to Adobe Animate. I also code (mainly in Kotlin, Python, Swift and web technologies). I have a small question though. Is it possible to make 3D animations or games through the Wick Editor that we can export?

Thanks in advance

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Oh @Hamzah_Al_Ani you would wanna see this

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Hey, welcome to wick @subtra3t!
Wick can’t make 3d projects so far, but every now and then, creating a 3d in wick attempt is made. Here is the best 3d engine so far:

You could probably take the challenge if you’re interested, or wait for the future perfect 3d engine to come

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Thanks! I have another small question: Does Wick support spritesheets like html5 game libraries like Babylon.js or Phaser.js do?

nah, I think I am going to stick to making basic pixel art for Phaser 3 games and a couple of GIFs :grin:

Well, Wick editor CAN support these, but I’m only 75% sure.

I hope u get to enjoy wick too, it’s perfect and easy to use :+1: