A glitched Happened when i putted a audio file

What Wick Editor Version are you using?
Ex. 1.19.3

Describe the Problem
A glitched happened when i putted a sound effect/audio.

What have you tried so far?
to fix it but it doesnt work right now.

Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see? Optionall*
My Project4-16-2024_18-30-44.wick (851.1 KB)

i dont know if its corruptted.

Yeah this can happen.
Like Half-Life Source, Wick Editor is being neglected. This is why bugs show up in the program, like the one you are seeing right now.
Try using the upload button to add audio next time. When you click on a frame, use the dropdown menu next to the “Sound” (or whatever it’s called) label, and select the sound you want.
TL;DR, Wick’s a buggy mess, I switched to OpenToonz

it cant load my project anymore😔

Don’t over-rely on autosave! Save :triumph: your work :angry: manually :triumph: (ctrl/command + s) or this will happen!