Animation --contest-- TOURTAMENT!

Greetings and salutations I am your host AdrawAnimates And THIS Is ANIMATE INSANITY

Me, Myself and, I have came up with the idea of an animation contest, However, This isn’t a contest, It is a TOURTEMENT!!! THATS RIGHT YOU ALL WILL BE BATTLING FOR FIRST PLACE! Just like an object show or tai except there is no voting! or is there? You all will have a week to make one animation of the following topic The top 50% willl advance and the other is out!!! If you would like to join, just reply idk I need content.

Note: Jovany or any mod for that matter if you would like to help with hosting I will be glad yo let you!

this is just an animation test I did in Wick Editor. link: blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/8d6a8ab1-0ab5-43a1-bcbd-04a5da79ad80

ight (you’ve seen my work already

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yea, I have

can’t see it
Repost it lol

Are there gonna be prompts or something? Or is it just animate whatever you want?

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entry :] My Project12-13-2024_15-13-10.wick (293.0 KB)

YES! There will be prompt tor each challenge! Don’t worry! Also @anobjectshowanimator You don’t need an entry animation

Hello! I would also like to participate in this if that is okay.


I Love hat you would like to participate!!!

no thats my animation for the contest

I didn’t even give the prompt like huh?

sorry I don’t like waiting

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Erm can I join

Screenshot 2024-12-14 07.25.47

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Of course! You can

can I join if I can here’s my entry its a legacy file

entry for contest-Jan6-2025-9.39AM.wick (203.4 KB)

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if its still running

My Project1-10-2025_17-14-31.wick (54.3 KB) ALRIGHT EVERYONE @Incognito @anobjectshowanimatorm @DragonArtist @Donut @Jaxon_Hudson YOUR FIRST CHALLENGE IS A COLLAB!!! SO NOONE IS GETTING OUT this one butttt, YOU WILL ALL WORK TOGETHER to make a fire collar! Here is the starter Animation FILE!