Animator vs Animation fanmade

Hey guys, I want to anounce you I am making an Animator vs Animation fanmade on Wick Editor! If you want to help me or personnalise the (unfinished) animation, then I allow you to do that!

Animator vs Animation fanmade4-2-2020_5-16-47PM.wick (161.6 KB)

PS: there is one rule: don’t make the stickman win in the end. (just kidding)


Oh also, I’ve translated windows texts into French so dont scream that its unreadable

could’ve been longer but Noice work

I’m making one but its in wick editor

its unfinished but thx for the feedback

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no problem

Also, i began it wednesday morning

it is still in progress

i would wont to join in

im gana animate the next following part till i run out of ideas

this thing is like canceled dude. he would’ve posted the animation by now

oh, good bc he needs permission form alan becker anyway

Well no not really your allowed to make fan made ones.

it is considered fair use if you are transforming on his work.

well sure both of you are making points here and they seem pretty fair to conclude with, but as long as its a collab, it has to be asked to do it, cause then if he doesn’t then it would be copyright. maybe even inviting the animator of the series himself maybe then it won’t be copyright not needed to ask.

makes sense but it wasn’t a Collab tbh

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