Nice work!
not bad!
if you want to work on it, a good video to help would be The video is by Alan Becker talking about Squash and Stretch, one of the 12 principles of animation.
Hope it helps!
You can make it loop seamlessly if you make the camera follow the stick figure or you let the stick figure end offscreen and start offscreen!
thanks, awc95014!
This thread has been bouncing around for a real long time, eh? I made a couple about a month ago when I first started playing around with Wick. Here is the first one I did:
And here’s the second:
How did you get the scanner to go down only the head?
Well that’s the only place I animated it! I was gonna do the whole body but I didn’t want the gif to be too long. So I just drew a red line across the head, made some red dots around it, then on the next frame did the same thing slightly lower, and so on.
Ok, thanks :)
Hey, you seem like a very cool guy. Do you have a YouTube channel that you can link?
Here’s my first Animation I made:
Sadly i forgot the ears of the mouse!
Here’s my second:
the last few frames are a bit… strange.
My third:
I was a bit too lazy to animate the rope from the balloon ):
My fourth:
This is from Harry Potter
and the fifth:
Inspired by GoodL
WOW this is impressive!
Thanks so much! Yours are great too! The head turns on the stick figure are really smooth.
Im Working On Extending The Fold Flip Animation. After a year of not animating, I want to pick up projects that I saved and continue my work.