Anybody up for a Madness duel?

np, I’m actually the one whose late XD

Just replying because I once again forgot to click reply on my message :skull:

ok now my part is done your turn

Sorry for the late reply, forgot to check Wick Forums today. Well, it’s your turn now :+1:

My messages aren’t “replying” to yours, so you probably won’t get notified. So yeah, this message is to just notify you

ok i did my part its kinda bad tho

dw, nobody gets it on their first try. Also, I’m done with my part. Turns out the smg had safety mode on…

you turn now

hello dude?

Crap, so sorry for the long wait. I went out of town, and when I came back I forgot to check on the forums :frowning:

Anyways, I’m done with my part. Since I died, all you need to animate is your reaction and that should be it. It was fun to collab with you :+1:

Oh, and do I have your permission to upload this in YT?

oh yeh oc :D

alright dude the madness duel is complete! its uploaded to the padlet :D

what is your youtube channel?

Specteral Madness. It’s a relatively new YT channel and is honestly kinda a mess rn

Also I can’t find the complete wick file in the padlet :sweat_smile:

i fixed it

K thx.

One last thing, do you have any socials you want me to shout out?

yeh my insta its “imsimple111”

Cool cool. I’m just gonna edit the video and send a link here once it’s done :+1:

We’ve made something beautiful together