Anyone made any Stickman Animations?

dealt wit that before

It should be in my topic now

My_Project6-7-2023_19-29-53.wick (364.3 KB) just gotta put this to my schol computer

i aint see it

joint with a friend


oh thx
10 words lol

i have the most replies. wow, i should get the most talkative award

made more stuff

1 Like

2nd message of october

also cool!
10 words lmao

Who’s your friend?

person in the backgrounds name is there (also work on the shadowboxing game topic is active)

Guess whos back (its me theman17)


@Rods_Animations you part of the dojo too?
im actually hosting a collab and uhh about 70 people are in it (including hyun himself)

uhhh kinda, i made a duelist aplication but it wasnt fully verified and needed changes (which i did) so i just left it there. hasnt been touched in a while

also, whats the collab called

touch grass collab
it started as a joke but then uhh
it became famous in less than a month and uhh

so now hyuns in it, soapybubbles is putting it in her newsletter