hello guys I’m still making my animation, I’m gonna tell my progress when I stop until the next day, but what are you doing ?
i am just finish doing this …on wick editor…for fun…
wait…i accidentaly tell the unacceptable behavior from the rule(the part cant be removed)…
should i delete this comment?..
what unacceptable behavior
you can edit the comment
I don’t think they would ban you because it’s in the animation and what they mean by an unacceptable behavior is that you be racist, and your not, verily
the only thing they could ban you for is off the topic but you made the animation in wick editor you don’t have to talk about wick editor or make it for wick editor
it was in the video…(the last part of the video)…(the age)
yeah but it is in the animation that you created by wick editor
If you think I’m wrong ask them, and I think your absolutely not off the topic because you became off the topic in the topic it’s self, and I think this is permissible
and it’s not unacceptable behavior because your just celebrating that you became 18 years old I’m 13 years old and I’m not mad by it or angry by it
your about to sleep I think, that’s all you have
anyways I’m going back animating my slime byebye, if your about to sleep
i m not sleep…im just …trying my best to avoid off the topic so …i not talk or reply much…only leave a like
this is my last animation I think I deleted the wick file of this sooooooooo
Slime_jumping(uncomplete).html (2.1 MB)
my! this software is great, thanks wick for free access
I’m making an animation with two slimes soooooo, this is my progress
Slimes_animations.wick (16.7 KB)
these are like my animation’s key
the animation looks nice, even thought I’m not to the memes industry.
this is my keys for now
Slimes_animations.wick (52.5 KB)
I think it would nice, anyways I’m here now soooooooo.
nice >u< …but what actuaaly the actual fps…when i open it …the setting show 3 fps…
yeah it’s just keys of the animation so I use 3 FPS to see how it is