Audio in Animations

When I export my animation to .mp4, some of the audio is missing. It is a 27 second animation with about 210 frames or so. I’m not sure if it is the amount of frames or length. As well as the audio shifting from left to right speaker. I ran it through the Test Editor and I’m stuck on Rendering. It’s been rendering 0 seconds of animation for the last 10 minutes. Please help!

Hey @MrVMP3805, The exact same thing happened to me and a lot of other people in the community. It turns out that the audio inside of clips won’t play after exporting your project. The endless rendering thing is also a bug, although this one I’m not sure about. I asked about it last week and Luxapodular said he was working on fixing it. Hopefully, they fix it soon!

Alright, thanks for the response!

I’ll be trying to put together a fix for the audio bug starting today!

As for the endless rendering, last week we couldn’t determine why this was happening other than that the browser was running out of memory to edit the animations. We’re still deciding on what the best way to fix this is. Sorry about the inconvenience here!


An update: Currently hard at work trying to fix these issues. I’ve got a little system that can now track when sounds should be played at any point in the project, including if they’re called from code as sound effects!

There’s still some issues happening in larger projects where sounds are getting dropped, but I think we’re nearly there.