Automatic Lip Syncing

Auto Lip Sync would work like this,
There would a button after Make Clip called Make Mouth,
And every time you click and select it, you have a set of mouths that you drawn, you can right click on audio and press “Auto Lip Sync” and it automatically lip syncs to audio!
It would save ALOT of time.

Anyone gonna reply about the idea?

idk that looks too hard to program i think humans are much better at recognizing speech syllables

Yea your probably right.

No, that’s mostly in C/C++. I don’t see JavaScript in the “Languages” section. So they can’t use that unless they convert all the code into JavaScript which would take a very long time.

you can start by making an auto lipsync with a written text

What you can do is have a clip with multiple frames, each frame with a letter and lip sync, then plug in a word into your script, then split the word into letters, and for every letter, have the clip go to that frame in correct order. It might work, it might not, I never really tried.

I’ve made something similar. People could use it. Type lip sync. Select the wick object version.

It’s a command line tool with standard output. If you have programming or scripting experience you can take the data output from rhubarb and hack up a javascript script parse the output and match it with an appropriate graphic frame or whatever.

Or, if the devs of wickeditor are interested enough, they could add this in the backend. I’m sure they use something like ffmpeg to produce video output so they could do something similar using rhubarb.

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