Here’s the file for it;
Better fight 26.wick (332.4 KB)
nice animation
How did you make the pov move and stuff?
what do you mean?
like how the point of view for and moves to match the characters’ movements
so what you do is go to the inspector and click “Add bulitn asset”
then click this one
then drag it on the canvas
and it is basically camera. move it anywhere you want it will focus the camera on that area but make sure it has its own layer that comes first from the rest.
Don’t use frames, use tweens.
here’s a video made by someone else on how to use it.
@boxy made another type of v-cam here
Alan Becker Style
Oh ok Thank you
I just lost 2 hours of work
i thought you were doing a trombone ??
Nice work! Work on timing now! you can use a chart to plan out the timing go your frames
the best example I can find is by @Green_Firey2010 If you go to his object show testing things
Oh ok Got it thanks
I’m currently in the procces of making the next trombone
nice (ten10293810)