Blurry lag caused by new resize feature? 1.17

I found a lag that makes the whole project blurry. Apparently, I was able to close the window and open it back up, and have the same lag happen when I want it to. It’s weird to use with the brush and pen feature…
resize lag
I found this odd bug when I was trying to find a way to make things “glow,” and I guess this bug could help. Here’s a quick video below. Idk if u guys could see what I saw when I was recording the video - so I recommend testing it out.

I discuss how to make the lag happen under the
video in yt right here:

You just use "ctrl & - " until u reach max, and then exit Wick, and come back in. Reset size to default- and then :boom: Poof :boom: bug found.

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An even weirder lag occurs if you do the opposite (as in using "ctrl & + " instead)

I see what you mean at the first part, but I don’t know where the problem is if you zoom in first and zoom out after.

It’s just a bug report, not a real big problem
( I had it marked as bug reporting )