BrickPlayer MP4

This would allow us to have an BIG Storage, we would easily connect our instances to create a big platform we everyone only pays for the server cost of their videos. we would need to make a system like this though

Ok that sounds interesting, but I’m withdrawing from the project for personal reasons if it goes to this scale.

But for the simple MP4 / MP3 player I will help the best I can.


Well for now it’s not official it’s just a little idea but maybe we would do it.

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No, though I’ve checked it out and it seems interesting

Also, if we take this approach, I have some things to mention.

I want every video to be send our way for approval before being uploaded to the site. It might sound like a not-so-great idea, since we don’t know how many videos we’ll need to deal with, but we can’t simply allow anything to be posted.

We’ll also need the user to have some type of way to login (an email address or something that they’ll need to verify… I can help with the verification part).

And most important of all, we’ll need some type of documents that the user needs to agree to before using the project (ex: terms of use, privacy policy). This should be a priority for legal & safety reasons.

It is also important to point out that we’re not near that stage of the project yet, we still need to work on a way to have the user upload a local mp4 file and have it play on this project. We can take this one step at a time rather than focusing on the last steps.
(My last exam for school is coming up so I won’t be able to help out much until then)


Yeah as Hamzah Ani said we should work on the other steps before this

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Would be like a streaming service

Yup! we can do this. i can ask the costumer service from the Hosting platform i use they have a whole legal team that i can ask ( for EU law though )

Yes I think that is possible! and needed I have a website and sometimes some Russian kid is ddosing me ( now not anymore because i added accounts )

Yup it will be a long project but maybe it pays out! :slight_smile:

Its fine! we have some competent people in our team I’m sure that we will be able to do some stuff

video - TEST6-20-2022_12-47-26.wick (243.6 KB) I added the Menü at the start :)

I did manage to make my Version of a logo for BrickPlayerDX with a little start up animation:

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yea! would be cool for the DX version! it just needs a little tweaking here and there

It runs perfectly in 60fps but the gif export struggles with this high FPS rate.

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And of course good luke! I’m sure you will do it

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ok for the Youtube idea, i would be happy if we find an name for the team. we can all make suggestions now so @Jordy @Hamzah_Al_Ani you two are asked most since you two are the main devs on the project @Towim you can make suggestions too even though your are not in the youtube team ( you said you would not to join but it is open ;D )

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also @Hamzah_Al_Ani and @Jordy i would start making a test server with peertube to test the youtube side of things. i mean by that how many users we possibly could get the management and safety for us and other stuff so we can figure out how we would run a service like this before we go full house and create everything without even knowing what we need and how to organize and run our site

OK Big anouncemnt i would start the server now. for now use the domain but we can change that for our finale version

So pleas make some name Suggestions

The website will go online in the next few hours

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ok i cant get it to run for today but tomorrow is the day I will give you all a progress update soon

right now i install ubuntu for PeerTube to run

OK sadly i’m very stupid :( i try tomorrow again but i cant promise maybe i can find help

Don’t worry about it, it’s not an easy thing to do and could take time

I completed my last exam, thankfully, so I have some time to get back to this (along with the other collabs I’m involved in).

What I've been testing

I know of a way to send emails via gmail using code, this could be used for the account verification process, as well as having videos sent our way for approval and to be uploaded into BRECKvid.

So that’s part of the solution… I think.
We’ll still need to find a way to update information.

It’s a dangerous process, however, since the wick file code could be accessable to anyone with the html version, and could be re-adjusted a bit to have them sent emails using the “testing gmail account” I created last week (a google account I created for this purpose). So I’ll need to try adding some layers of protection to the html version of the file, however I don’t think I’d be able to share he wick file on the forums, which is why I didn’t mention this method until now.

That’s why I wanted to get this step done first

I’ll try to get this done sometime tomorrow or afterwards.

I’ll start researching the “login” part sometime later, there must be an easy way to have this while protecting private information, I know a lot of sites have a “login with google” option so I’ll look towards that direction.

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Sounds good! I have a server we can put anything on it right now there is Ubuntu running but j can change that i can also put by files on it. Also Congrats for your exams I’m sure you did Great

HI! I just wanted to assure you that I will work on this project! it was always a dream of mine to have my own youtube and this is my ticket in! and yours too so i am looking forward to work with you all!