Cannot reset passwords

I cannot reset my password for the Wick Editor forums. I don’t get any email for it when I click “forgot password” or “send password reset email”. I understand this has been reported recently as an issue. What do I do?
I also tried this several weeks ago and thought this was a temporary issue, but I have got no email yet and it still doesn’t work.

The email service here is completely dead. I tried to make an account through email, and it never arrived.

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/yeah same

I need to reset my password soon. This looks to be a big problem.

The only really viable thing is, deleting your account, and making a new one using Google (only Google OAuth works).

I don’t want to have to do that.

It’s the only thing we can really do, all the admins have been inactive since 1.19.4.

What sort of date is “1.19.4”? Do you mean September first 2024? Or January nineteenth of this year?

It’s the final (last/latest*) Wick Editor Version, deployed on this link:

i don’t know how to help, but maybe you can try talking to @BaronAWC @Hamzah_Alani and all the rest of the @moderators, they will help.

Bro just summoned the mods here, that’s an @admins problem…

It’s as noobfield said, when it comes to passwords, there’s not much moderators can do.
I apologize for the inconvenience.

@Monospace I would recommend going to the settings, and under “Associated Accounts” connect your google account.
Once you do that, you should be able to log into your same account through Google sign-in.
Hopefully that helps with the issue.

I don’t want to connect my wick account to google. I don’t want to log in via google automatic login. I just want to reset my password. I want to normally reset my password. I want my account to stay as it is, disconnected from Google.
I guess I will leave this account be, but unfortunately due to a data breach of my password on this account I cannot trust it will not be hacked. That is why I want to change it.

The only real option is to delete your account since it’s vulnerable.