Cartoon fighters v1

My Project8-4-2020_5-51-50PM.wick (16.1 KB)

I have MAJOR problems with my game

  1. the bullets don’t delete like they are supposed to and after a while basically cashes it
    2.i have it so that after hitting an enemy the bullet is transferred to a different area but you will soon notice that sometimes it takes 3 or 2 enemies to do so

three (weird glitch where 3 becomes 2). after a while, hitboxes get messed up

please I need help to solve these problems
and yes there will be updates

Not sure if this solved all the problems or just a few:
:sunglasses: |attachment

Note: Click the emoji
Let me know if I missed a problem (I kinda rushed).

thank you kind person of the internet I’ll be sure to credit you :+1:

I also want to add a timer to the shot could you tell me how to do that?

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Making a timer is easy for me to make. Just let me know how long you want the timer to be, and what you would like to happen when the timer reaches the limit? Then I’ll send you a copy of your project with what u need : )

'Here`s a quick project I made today where u just need to type in 
the amount of 'minutes' u need into a text box and the timer 
would end once it reaches it:'

timer example.wick (6.5 KB)

'Let me know if this is the type of timer u were looking for?'
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this is really useful… but not exactly what i needed.

its more of
if(key === m){
this.x = 1234567890
(delay code here)
this.y = 1234321234

i haven’t tested this, just going off the top of my head.
this is pseudo-code. don’t even try to copy/paste this in.
the timer should kick in every time you press the key.
i’m using m as the key and the action as a sprint or super-fast run, so some of this code only applies to that.
it takes timeInFrames frames for it to charge or cooldown before the action starts.
direction is either 1 or -1 depending which way the player is facing.
the player runs spr pixels in a sprint. player is the player, replace with the player’s name.

default: this.numFrames = 0. (dunno if keyDown runs before keyPressed and realizes numFrames doesn’t exist - not yet)
key pressed once: if m is pressed, this.numFrames = 0.
key hold down: if m is pressed:

  • increment numFrames by 1.
  • if numFrames is >= timeInFrames, player += (spr * direction)

and here it is neon flight 1.2 update final.wick (120.0 KB) the final update of 1.2 fresh fiends.
one last thing tho
when you open it up you will see a purple chatere
it has an animation made so that whenever it completes it moves to a different area
the animation is triggered by the space bar but I cant seem to get it to work, could you help

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The game looks amazing,
so far so good!

Is this what u need?
proj.wick (121KB)

Rather than plugging 
the code in the purple 
thing, I plugged it into 
the original bullet clone

The version I shared had some bugs I didn’t notice, here’s one with bugs fixed:
some bugs fixed.wick (123.8 KB)

Some bugs
  • The menu button stopped working, it would say that stuff on the default script for the next frame doesn’t exist, though they do on the next frame.
  • The character would continue shooting even when the "space" button isn’t down!