Changing a wick file to a zip shows its data!

Did you know that when you export a wick file, and change it to .zip, and when you view it, it actually shows data of your project?

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wait really im gonna try

yeah it does in the assets folder and probably in the JSON file but you would need a JSON viewer

problem is I couldn’t revert it back to a wick file so I lost my file in the process

also I changed the title cause it wasn’t really a theory.

You can retrieve it: On file explorer, click on ‘view’ and then check ‘File name extensions’

(second box on right side in list)
Then you can rename your file to (filename).wick after backspacing the ‘zip’ extension, and turn off viewing File Name Extensions if you like.


i think a wick file is just a zip file in disguise, so it would make a lot of sense.


Yes, it is. Plus Wickdata is just a Base64 string.
Which is why I was able to easily hack this.

Yep, it’s an archive of sorts, meaning I could open it in 7zip without even converting to zip.