Check out my project (still in progress)

My Project4-11-2021_13-07-48.html (2.3 MB) what do you think?
I’ll really appreciate it if you suggest me something in it :grinning:

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It looks really cool but how do you move

you can’t move it’s just a standing game, once you win you’ll be able to move.
ill add that feature soon.

your goal is to protect the gem from monsters

ok good game tho :)

i can just hold q or e and the enemy will just keep dying. there also appears to be no end to it… and it’s more about protecting yourself than the gem because you lose a life if the enemy hits you.

Yes that’s the idea never ending. There will be some sort of waves of enemies that will attack then every 5fth level a boss will spawn, and about spamming q or e im gonna add a cool down for that. Check out grow castle my game is gonna be based on that