Chick Fighter Prototype - Test Needed

could you please explain how to private contact you?
I dont get the sent me inbox thing

It was just to call you… You asked for a fight game, and I thought that you were a good candidate to test this… I can erase the name now. Thanks.

i love you jovvany

Did you were able to test the game? How it was it? Did it run ok in your machine?

a little laggy hey can you send the wick file please

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Unfortunatelly the file will not available to be shared yet.

on an Intel Core i7 8650u 8th gen, it runs quite poorly on my machine, about 4-7 fps. The idea is great, and with some expansion and story, it could really take off.

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Well that is pretty easy if you know how to do it… which could be said to anything. Well hopefully you have an idea of how to get the FPS but don’t know how to actually do it.

// Initialize variables
// returns the amount of milliseconds passed since January 1, 1970 at midnight somewhere in England
// Using, the max fps it can show is 1000 ms I believe, because its precision is limited.
// If you want better precision you can use instead which tracks the amount of
// time passed since the tab was opened, but where the timer starts doesn't matter since all you need is
// the time elapsed between frames.
var lastTime =;
var nowTime;

onEvent("update", function() {
  nowTime =;
  var dt = (nowTime - lastTime ) / 1000; // get ms elapsed and convert it to seconds
  lastTime = nowTime;

  project.fps = 1 / dt; // estimate amount of frames would be rendered per 1 second

I used @Nick’s code many times before to find the fps
(which works the same way as @pumpkinhead’s code)

Here’s his “FPSDemo” file, hopefully it helps


I think the Game is great but the startt is verry hard at first you will read everthing but all the Enymes already come into the screen. so recomend a tutorial level
The Gamplay is a bit slow i think it would be bether when you do this a bit faster

The Prefoms is great by my laptop ok i have a gmaing laptop and a gaming PC but it is still verry good and smooth


jovanny voice was revealed


Can I have the wick file so I can look at the code please?

For the Runner Game? No. What I do for these tutorials is to force the people to write the whole code so in that way at least their brain process it.


No chick fighter (also if I come off as rude at all I’m very sorry I’m just very eager to make a fighting game)

What do you mean?

I’m always worried I’m coming off as rude too people and I really dont want too


I understand… Don’t say sorry on ahead when you are planning to do it, anyway… just don’t post anything when you feel angry… Remember, we are all different…

I don’t want to give you that code (just not yet), because it is not ready to be published, and I’m not proud of what I did there… I would need some weeks to give you a better version. I’m planning to publish it and give a better version of the code to everyone later.

Ok thanks :smiley: I’m gonna do some messing around in wick so it works out perfect

I love your tutorials

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