Cleaning Up The Forum: New Collab Requirements, Discobot

Hi Everyone,

Recently we’ve seen an uptick in posts that are duplicates that are generally making it harder to find posts on the forum. To fix this, we’ll be adding in a few new changes to the forum.

  1. All new “Collab” posts need to be moderator approved. When creating a new Collab topic, you’ll be asked to provide a bit of information about your collab so that collaborators have a better understading of requirements (and we don’t get any acidental duplicates).

  2. “Collab” and “Show Your Work” posts will now be hidden from the front page by default. The “Latest” section of the front page has been a bit hectic recently, and collabs have taken over. But no worries! You can “Un Mute” this category by clicking the Bell icon on the category itself. Head to and simply change your notification settings to continue receiving updates on your front page!

  1. Collab posts will no longer be included in digest emails to reduce potential spam for those not involved in the collab.

  2. Discobot has now been changed to not reply on public posts. It will still provide help to new users but will not respond in public chats.

Remember, we’re constantly trying to improve the quality of the Wick Editor, and our community discussions. We’ll be testing this out and seeing how this effects the forum overall.

Thanks for being a part of our community!


whats with discobot? i dont see whats wrong with discobot in this post

The post has been updated to reflect discobot.

oh ok, i’ll just update my profile prefrences

it doesnt work in private messages either